Call for abstracts

Abstract submissions have now closed

Abstract format

Abstracts should conform to the style and formatting requirements set down below. Word limit for main text is 250 (not including title, authors, affiliations).


  • Times New Roman 12-point font for main text – no italics, underlining or bold other than as specified below
  • 14-point font for Title
  • Single spacing
  • Left aligned


  • Title: maximum 20 words, written in sentence case (i.e. with a single capital at the beginning of the title)
  • Authors: presented as surname followed by initials (capitals) with no commas separating the surname and initials. Use “and” before the last author’s name. A single comma should be used to separate authors. Where there is more than one author and more than one affiliation, superscript numbers after the authors initial should be used to indicate affiliations. Name of the expected presenter should be in bold.
  • Affiliations: List the institution, city location, and the country if other than New Zealand
  • Main text (maximum 250 words): Include sections for Purpose (background, research question, study aim), Methods, Main Findings, and Principal Conclusions.
  • Tables and Figures will not be accepted within the abstract
  • References should not be included with the abstract

Additional guidance: